Beetlejuice follows Barabara and Adam, played by Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis, who have recently died and are trying to learn about the afterlife while attempting to scare away the new residents that have moved into their house. They meet the hilarious Beetlejuice played by Michael Keaton and the brooding teenager Lydia played by Winona Ryder. Theplot sounds strange and is strange, but it’s also very enjoyable.
This was Tim Burton’s second time in the director’s chair is does show a little bit. The plot feels underdeveloped and although the character’s are hilarious and fun to watch, most of what they do doesn’t have a ton of meaning in the film. The story is really only pushed forward by Beetlejuice who
is the highlight of the movie. Keaton’s performance is grotesque yet likable. Although it has problems, I’ve seen this movie probably 40 times, so that has to mean something.
Trivia: Beetlejuice is only in the movie for 17.5 minutes.
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