2001: A Space Odyssey is a science fiction film directed by Stanley Kubrick and released in 1968. While the film received both positive and negative reviews when first released, it is now considered one of the most important science fiction films ever made. The film contains four distinct segments (The Dawn of Man, TMA-1, Jupiter Mission, and Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite) which are linked together by the mysterious monolith. The Dawn of Man tells the story of man-apes whose lives are altered when the Monolith appears. TMA-1 focuses on officials investigating "odd things" at a base where a monolith is discovered. Jupiter Mission focuses on scientists aboard the Discovery One spacecraft and their journey with the ship's computer, HAL 9000. Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite is a direct continuation of the Jupiter Mission and its events.
This is quite an interesting film which I believe still
holds up today. It is definitely a movie that you have to be in the right mood
to watch because it is a very slow film. It is also difficult to be engaged in
the story due to the shifting between segments that focus on different
characters. Many people cite the Jupiter Mission as the best part of the film
because of the interaction between Dave Bowman (played by Keir Dullea) and HAL
9000 (voiced by Douglas Rain). I will agree that it is easily my favorite part
as the pacing is tense and the information given feels important. The special
effects and cinematography are absolutely groundbreaking and still leave me
wondering how they achieved them in the 60s. Kubrick's use of classical music
also helps give space a unique tone that is alive but dangerous. Of course I
recommend 2001, but be aware that some people find it really boring because of
the pacing.
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