
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Paranorman (2012)

Paranorman is a 2012 comedy horror adventure film directed by Sam Fell and Chris Butler. This film was also released by Laika and again uses the medium of stop-motion. The plot tells the story of a young boy named Norman who can see dead people (sadly there's no Bruce Willis) and begins having dark visions which lead him on a thrilling adventure. The plot becomes much more complicated and goes into some extremely dark places that I did not expect a PG movie to go. If you want to know more about the plot then you'll just have to watch it yourself. 

I really enjoyed Paranorman and went to see it in theatres twice (I saw Coraline three times). Norman meets a large cast of characters and every single one is very memorable. The animation is AMAZING and made use of color 3D printers in order to construct the puppets. The film is very reminiscent of campy horror movies from the 70s and 80s and tries to keep the tone light by having hilarious jokes peppered in between the more macabre moments. The music is a mixed bag and contains both fantastic and slightly generic pieces with the main theme being the highlight. Paranorman is a strange film in terms of content as it tries to combine a lot of different genres and themes. Laika again marketed it as a children's film, but much of the dialogue and subject matter will resonate

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